Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Grandson Basketball Update

In his last three games he has scored 19, 20 & 21 points.  Also averaging 8 rebounds a game.

So proud of him.  He's seeing all the summer practices and the weekly weightlifting sessions are paying off.

His last game is Friday.  For me, the season ended much too quickly.

Why do some believe and others don't?

From Christopher Kennedy's book, "Grace Under Pressure."

Why did one thief come to faith and not the other? Why were the presence and word of Christ effective in one heart but not the other? The answer to that mystery belongs to God.  Both thieves had knowledge of Jesus.  Both had proximity to Him.  One believed.  For one, intellectual knowledge registered in the heart and elicited a cry for salvation.  The man's last prayer may have been his first prayer.

You might be praying for the Holy Spirit to turn a loved one to Jesus.  You may be praying for a miraculous conversion.  Your prayers are not in vain! Why some believe and others don't - that's a mystery.  Whether we should pray for the salvation of others - that's not a mystery.  Jesus taught His followers "always to pray and not lose heart" (Luke 18:1).  Our loved ones' eternal destinies matter to us; think how much more they matter to God, who sent His Son to die for them and "who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4).  When we ray for others, we extend God's grace to them.  (page 75-76)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Is there any hope?

Years ago an S-4 submarine was rammed by a ship off the coast of Massachusetts.  It sank immediately.  The entire crew was trapped in a prison house of death.  Every effort was made to rescue the crew, but ultimately all plans failed.  Near the end of the ordeal, a deep-sea diver, who was doing everything in his power to find a way for the crew's rescue, thought he heard a tapping on the steel wall of the vessel.  He placed his helmet up against the side of the vessel and he realized it was the Morse Code.  He attached himself to the side and he spelled out in his mind the message being tapped from within.  It was repeating the same question: Is...there...any...hope?

That's a question we've all asked at least once in our lives, isn't it? Is there any hope...for my marriage, for finding a job, for earning a college scholarship, for an early retirement? Someone has said, "We can live forty days without food, eight days without water, four minutes without air, but only a few seconds without hope."

In Psalm 39, David is faced with asking the question, "Is there any hope?" He had been trying to keep a stiff, upper lip, so to speak, by remaining silent during a very painful time in his life.  Then he pours out from his heart all the impatience and frustration he is feeling.  But by the time we get to verse seven, we learn that it has been helpful for David to have been very honest with the Lord.  He responds with what we might call a "trusting prayer" that is fueled by the hope he has in his Lord.

God has given you and me that same hope.  We don't worry about our standing with God because Jesus has made us right and acceptable to our Father.  We don't despair about our future because Jesus has prepared a place in heaven for us.  We don't allow present day problems to consume us because Jesus has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  (Romans 15:4)

We have hope! 

From March 2012

Monday, February 10, 2025

We interrupt this commercial for a football game

Yesterday's Super Bowl game was the most frustrating one I've ever watched.  Commercial after commercial, promo after promo, talking head after talking head.  I sat there wondering if the game was ever going to start.

The Super Bowl used to be about the game.  But now it's about the commercials and the half-time show and which celebrity is seated in the stands (yes, the broadcast made it clear that Taylor Swift was there).

I didn't understand half of the commercials.  A lot of them made no sense.  A few were very pro-America which I appreciated.  But I don't think a year from now someone is going to ask, "Say, you remember that commercial from last year's Super Bowl?"

As far as the halftime show is concerned, apparently I am not part of the demographic that the Super Bowl is trying to entertain.  I have never been a fan of rap music but at least there have been occasions when I could understand what was being said.  Not this year. I found it a great time to head to the kitchen where my dear, sweet wife and friends had created a feast of goodies.  

I wasn't rooting for a particular team.  I just wanted to see a good game.  I was not expecting Philadelphia's defense to completely dominate the Chief's offense.  I didn't expect Pat Mahomes to throw two interceptions, one run back for a touchdown.  The game ended 40-22 and it wasn't that close.

The winner yesterday was my dear, sweet wife.  No more football for about seven months.  For her, it doesn't get better than that!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Can God both love and discipline?

Pastor Frank Starr, in his series, "Life for the Way," offers a good answer.

Some Christians maintain that wrath and punishment is inconsistent with a God of love and mercy.  But this view strips God of His holiness, which hates sin and cannot countenance it.  God's grace has made a way for us to escape His wrath by providing Jesus as our substitute.  On our behalf, the Savior on the cross bore the full weight of God's wrath against our sin.

The writer to the Hebrews speaks of the Lord's discipline in chapter 12:4-17.  But the writer offers the greatest reassurance for believers.  We "share in His holiness," that is, God sees us in the righteousness of Christ that we received in our baptism.  But like a loving father, our heavenly Father disciplines us to "struggle against sin."

What is the result of this disciplining work? We "strive for peace" with all those in our circle of friends and with everyone.  In this way others "see the Lord," and God is glorified.

From March 2012

Friday, February 7, 2025

Ben Franklin wisdom

Fish and guests stink after three day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Watching my grandson play basketball

This is an exciting day.  I get to watch my oldest grandson play some basketball.

He plays on his high school basketball team in Michigan.  I am here in Arizona.  So, how do I get to see his games?

The state of Michigan has a service that allows subscribers to watch high school sports of those school who participate in this special service.  Late into the basketball season last year I learned about this service.  And I got to watch my grandson play in the freshmen games.

I'm so proud of him.  He was not interested very much in sports.  But between 7th and 8th grade he had a big growth spurt.  And even though he had never really played any basketball at all the coach at his middle school asked him to play on the team.

He was pretty raw and not as good as the others on the team.  But for my shy, introverted grandson playing on the team was so beneficial.

Here was a group of guys with whom he could make friends.  Guys with whom he had a common interest.  And they were good kids.  They welcomed my grandson and made him feel like a part of the team.

Since then my grandson has worked very hard to improve.  And it's been so much fun to see him improving his skills.  This year on the JV team he's averaging about 7 points a game and about 5 rebounds.  He still has much to learn.  But he's improving.  And his self-confidence is growing.

Praise God...for giving him a chance to play on a team, to develop friendships with his peers and for gaining self-confidence.  

I can't wait to watch today's game!