Monday, March 10, 2025

Saints Who Slip

(Referring to Genesis 19:30-32, Martin Luther wrote)

You might ask, "Why did God permit his people, whom He loved, to sink so low?" We shouldn't question God's motives for what He permits.  Still, in this case, we can easily find a probable explanation.  God wants us to recognize our helplessness so that we don't lapse into a false sense of security.  Lot and his family saw the sins of the people of Sodom and condemned them.  But then what happened? Lot's devout daughters disgraced themselves by committing incest.  This was so scandalous that it seldom occurred even among the people of Sodom.

So God's intent is clear.  He wants us to humble ourselves and find comfort in His mercy and kindness.  As far as humans are concerned, no one is better or more holy than the next person.  Thankfully, God protects us from sinning too seriously.  But if her were to withdraw His hand, we might fall into the very same sins.  So this story teaches us to humble ourselves in God's presence and continually pray for the Holy Spirit's guidence.

From "By Faith Alone," March 10.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Sunday Nugget from Hammer of God

One ought not talk about oneself, it might hide Jesus from view.

page 179

Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Showdown in the Desert

It seems that every good western movie ends with a showdown - the good guy in the white hat and the bad guy wearing black.  In Luke 4:1-13 we read of another showdown, one with eternal consequences for you and me.  How does it turn out.  Come and find out.  Worship is at 9 am at Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church, Olive and just south of 43rd Avenue.  Hope to see you!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Final Basketball Update

My grandson's basketball season is finally over.  But it kept us on the edge of our seats to the very end!

His team won their conference and make it to the first round of the sectionals.  The school they played against was much, much larger than Luke's school.  This team was talented, tall and fast.  It was amazing how they quickly moved down the court for one layup after another.

But Luke's school stayed with them.  They trailed by four points at the half.  They stayed within striking distance at the end of the third quarter.  But with a couple of minutes left in the game they missed some easy shots under the basket.  The final score was 63-57.

As I wrote earlier, Luke did not play - he was a JV player.  But the coach thought enough of him and three of his teammates to dress with the varsity.  Luke's dad told me that although he didn't get in the game, he was urging his teammates on, imploring them to "Go to work!"

I haven't talked to him but I'm hoping Luke will continue to dedicate himself to work on his game and attend the regular weight lifting sessions.  He still has lots to learn.  But he made so much progress this year.  If I were wearing a shirt with buttons, they'd be bursting off right now!

Martin Luther on Faith

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace.  It is so sure and certain that a person could stake his our her life on it a thousand times.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Prayer for Ash Wednesday

Almighty and everlasting God, You despise nothing You have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent. Create in us new and contrite hearts that lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness we may receive from You full pardon and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

From "The Treasury of Daily Prayer," page 26

Monday, March 3, 2025

Basketball update

Over the past few weeks I've been providing you with updates on my Grandson's high school basketball team.

Luke played on the JV team.  But when their season ended, the coach called him and three of his teammates up to the Varsity squad.  They were not eligible to play but they were able to practice and travel with the team.

Last Friday, Luke's team played for their conference championship.  It was thrilling to watch as Luke's team took an early lead and then held on all the way to the end.  They ended up winning the game by 8 points.

At the trophy presentation, the team and the students rushed the court, celebrating their first conference championship in 10 years.  And Luke was right in the middle of it! I was so happy for him and hope that the experience will motivate him and his teammates to contend for the championship next year.

Today I learned that Luke's team will be playing tomorrow night in a sectional tournament.  Should they win, they will play against the number one rated team in their division.  Should they chalk up another victory, they would play for a state championship with the game held at Michigan State University.

No matter the final outcome, it has been such a joy to watch our Grandson play, even though we here in Arizona.  I watched a few minutes of the Phoenix Suns the other night and it was BORING!  I'd much rather follow Luke's high school team or Grand Canyon University.  My front row seat at home is pretty sweet!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart!

Author Eugene Peterson has some very interesting observations regarding "joy."  For example:

Joy is not a requirement of Christian discipleship; it is a is what comes to us when we are walking in the way of faith and obedience.

All suffering, all pain, all emptiness, all disappointment is seed: sow it in God and He will, finally, bring a crop of joy from it.

So often we believe that joy is something that we must muster up for ourselves.  Of course, we can't produce joy but how often do we fall for the lie that if we do something that makes us feel good (regardless of what God says about it) or if we obtain some new thing, we'll be joyous?

If we care at all about our relationship with God, living outside of His will won't bring a lasting joy.

And stuff can't make us happy.  Stuff breaks down or wears out or fall apart.  How much joy is there in all of that?

Where do we look for joy? Paul wrote to the Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!

Our joy is in Jesus.  He puts the bounce in our step, the smile on our face, the joy in our hearts.

Listening to Him in His Word...speaking to Him in prayer...being in His house to receive His gifts...sharing His gifts with the people around us - that where joy is found. 

We can't produce joy.  Jesus gives it as one of His precious gifts.

Worship the Lord faithfully and serve His people lovingly.  Watch and see if He doesn't fill your heart with joy overflowing!

From March 2013