(Referring to Genesis 19:30-32, Martin Luther wrote)
You might ask, "Why did God permit his people, whom He loved, to sink so low?" We shouldn't question God's motives for what He permits. Still, in this case, we can easily find a probable explanation. God wants us to recognize our helplessness so that we don't lapse into a false sense of security. Lot and his family saw the sins of the people of Sodom and condemned them. But then what happened? Lot's devout daughters disgraced themselves by committing incest. This was so scandalous that it seldom occurred even among the people of Sodom.
So God's intent is clear. He wants us to humble ourselves and find comfort in His mercy and kindness. As far as humans are concerned, no one is better or more holy than the next person. Thankfully, God protects us from sinning too seriously. But if her were to withdraw His hand, we might fall into the very same sins. So this story teaches us to humble ourselves in God's presence and continually pray for the Holy Spirit's guidence.
From "By Faith Alone," March 10.