Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fun at the Radio Station

Once a month I drive over to radio station 1280 am to record a month's worth of programs for my little 5 minute weekly broadcast, "Wake Up With the Word."  It's heard every Monday morning at 8:25 am and it can also be accessed right here on the home page of our humble website.  I enjoyed writing and recording the upcoming programs for September.  To whet your appetite a bit, here's what is coming up on WUWTW!

9/3 - Have You Been Smearched Lately? Never heard of this particular word before? Neither had I until I read about it in an airplane magazine.  Tune in to learn more.

9/10 - A Story About Brotherly Love  I remember years ago a time when I was on the receiving end of a touch of brotherly love.  I've never forgotten it.  This kind of love, which Paul writes about to the Thessalonians, makes a difference in the lives of those touched by such love and compassion.

9/17 - The Greatest Commandment  A story about a young man, a beggar and a king gives a good idea on how to live out the greatest commandment.

9/24 - The Power of THE Prayer  Ever heard about Chaplain John Craven?  Listen in to find out how he discovered the power of THE prayer.