Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What's Your Motivation?

As I was reading through Matthew 6 yesterday, I couldn't help but think, "Let it to Jesus to get right to the heart of the matter."  He seems to be asking, "What is your motivation? When giving to the poor or needy, do you want center stage or back stage?"

That Jesus addresses the question of giving to the poor is no accident.  Supporting those less fortunate than you was an important part of Jewish piety.  As Jesus teaches, He assumes that His hearers will help the poor.  The question is not "whether" but "how."

Unfortunately, there were some who gravitated toward center stage so that they could make a big show of their acts of righteousness.  In case you weren't paying attention, a trumpet blast would signal when a person was offering a gift, drawing attention to the person's generosity - center stage!

Jesus calls such center stage people "hypocrites."  From the Greek, the word means "play actor."  Jesus can see right through such folks.  "Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks upon the heart."  (1 Samuel 16:7)  A heart exam of such hypocrites shows that such giving is not to practice piety but to increase popularity.

Instead, the giving that pleases God comes from backstage, away from the spotlight.  Those who give with sincere hearts do not do so in such public places as the synagogue or on the streets.  Instead, giving is done in secrecy.  Without trumpet or fanfare or show.  This is what Jesus is getting at when He says, "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."

What is our motivation for giving to the poor or helping the needy, both in our church and in the community?

Jesus shows us the way.  Instead of setting up shop in Jerusalem, where He could have really been noticed, the Lord walked dusty trails while helping those He met in the villages of Galilee.  He fed the hungry.  He helped the hurting.  He offered hope to the hopeless.  Finally, He gave Himself as the payment of the sins of the world.  Through faith we receive His gifts of forgiveness, peace and hope.  We look forward to realizing that reward that the Father has for us - eternal life in heaven.

I found the first four verses of chapter 6 of Matthew to be good food for thought.  This week, as I am able, I'll look to take my place...backstage.  Out of the spotlight.  Looking to help, for sure, but doing my best to make sure that God gets the glory and the praise.