Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for the Lord loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Interestingly, the word translated, "cheerful," in the Greek could also be translated as "hilarious." Such a person is happy to be able to give back to the Lord a portion of what the Lord has blessed that person with in the first place.
A college student who went to Africa on a mission trip told of seeing hilarious givers. In the church where they worshipped, no offering plates were passed. Instead, a large metal pot was set up in front of the altar. On the pastor's cue, the people were invited to give their offerings. The student said, "The people gave with great, great joy. They danced down the aisles. Most only had a few coins to give. Others put vegetables from their garden in the pot. It didn't matter. They were excited that they could give something back to God and His church. It caused myself to ask, "Do I give my offerings with that kind of joy and excitement?"
I guess it depends on how you look at the tithe or offering you give to the Lord's church each Sunday. Do you place your offering envelope in the plate with an attitude of "have to" instead of "want to?" A "have to" giver does so reluctantly or under compulsion. A "want to" giver does so with gratitude for all that has been received from the Lord's hand - forgiveness, salvation, peace and joy. These are gifts that can't be bought but are given in great abundance by the God who loves and gave His Son to be Savior from sin, death and hell.
May the Lord help us all to be cheerful giver of our gifts, this Sunday and every time we worship!