For some unknown reason I began the morning thinking about the pre-schoolers I got to know while serving as Pastor of Island Lutheran Church on Hilton Head Island, SC.
Once a week I would have a chapel gathering with the kids. I told them Bible stories. We prayed for sick Mommies and sick turtles and everything else. And we sang.
One of my favorite songs was called, "I'm Excited." Now, I can't remember where I found the song. I'm not even sure if the melody was one that came with the song or one I made up. In any event, the kids enjoyed learning and singing this song.
It was upbeat an fast-paced and these are the lyrics:
I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited in the Lord
I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited in the Lord
I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited in the Lord
(A bit repetitive but I should say, I was working with 3 and 4 year olds so we weren't going to take on "A Mighty Fortress is Our God")
When your walking with the Lord, you won't get bored!
When your following the Son, you have more fun!
When your working for the King, you really want to sing!
I'm excited (and then repeat the song)
And they when we got to the last "I'm excited," we all sang, "I'M EXCITED!"
Just thinking about this song makes me excited. Maybe this morning I'll break out my guitar and teach the song to the "Bulletin Bunch," a group of ladies who fold the 300+ bulletins that we print each week. The work is pretty mundane. I'll bet we can get them all EXCITED!