I am just about to finish "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" by Rosaria Butterfield. She is the former college professor who was loved to Christ Jesus by a pastor and his wife. Butterfield was involved in a lesbian relationship at the time and was highly distrustful of evangelical Christians. She was simply encouraged to read the Bible and in it she found a God that could be trusted and who loved her through Jesus. Butterfield has married and is the mother of four adopted children. This is a "can't put it down" kind of book. She provides a blue-print for the church on how to witness Christ to those in same-sex relationships. Definitely worth the time to read.
I received "Because of Bethlehem," the latest from Max Lucado, for my birthday so I'll tackle that one next. I'm also working through Stephen King's "11-22-63." It is a book about traveling back in time and is quite fascinating. I must be one of the few people in America that has not read a book by King but I was hooked by this book within just a few pages. The book runs over 1000 pages so I'll be at it awhile. But I think it will be worth the time.
This is the last weekend of our current worship schedule. Saturday service, as usual, takes place at 5 pm. Sunday services at 8 and 10:45 am with Bible classes for all ages at 9:20 am. Some parts of the schedule will change next week but we won't concern ourselves with that until next week. Hope to see you this weekend at LICL!