Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Here's what's so amazing about grace

I've finished going through Philip Yancey's wonderful book, "What's So Amazing About Grace." Given the condition of the world today, Yancey's last two sentences of the book are right on point: "The world thirsts for grace. When grace descends the world falls silent before it."

To whom might you show grace today? To a frustrated neighbor? A worried co-worker. To your troubled spouse or child? One reason grace is amazing is that it seems to come out of nowhere. Without any expectation someone shows unconditional love to you.  Another treats you with kindness even though you don't deserve it. Extending grace can be hard.  Often the people who need it are the ones who have hurt you or taken advantage of you or haven't even acknowledged you.

Sounds like some of the ways that we've treated our gracious God, doesn't it?  And yet, He continues to extend grace to us.  He, who has every reason to drop us like the proverbial "hot potato," keeps on loving us, forgiving us, caring for and helping us. What an amazing God we have!

So, to whom might you show grace today?