Thursday, September 21, 2017

Considering this week's Gospel lesson

On Matthew 20:1-16, Philip Yancey writes: In a rabbinic story of the time, the owner of a farm went into tow to hire temporary workers for the harvest. The day wore on, and as late as the eleventh hour he recruited one last batch of workers, who had a mere hour remaining to prove their worth. In the familiar version of the storm, the latecomer made up for lost time by working so hard that the foreman decided to reward them with a whole day's pay. Jesus' version, though, says nothing about the diligence of the workers. He accents instead the generosity of the employer - God - who lavishes his grace on veterans and newcomers alike. No one gets cheated and everyone gets rewarded, far beyond what they deserve.

From "The Jesus I Never Knew" page 95