Monday, June 17, 2019

Dad jokes!

Did your dad entertain you with corny jokes, the kind that are only suitable for groans and eye rolls?

How about this one - Did you hear about the dad who invented knock-knock jokes? He won the no-bell prize.

My dad used to tell jokes like the one above all the time.  I thought they were just about the dumbest jokes I'd ever heard.

I've become like my dad.

I told a couple of my grand kids yesterday, "If you ever need an ark, I Noah guy."  They stared at me for a moment or two and then said, "I get it."  Then one of them corrected me, "Papa, it's 'I know a guy'."  Why didn't I see that?

Here's the thing - neither of the grand kids laughed at my joke.  Which, apparently, makes it a great dad joke!

I understand the rule is that if your kids or grand kids laugh at a dad joke, it must never be told again.  But doesn't that go against the whole idea of joke-telling, that you want people to laugh or put a smile on their face?

Nevertheless, I am not defeated.  I've got 364 days to find more really bad (dad) jokes and puns - that make me laugh!