Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jesus is full of surprises!

Have you ever given much thought to that? So often, the people who meet Jesus are surprised by His Words and actions.

A Samaritan woman (John 4) was surprised that Jesus spoke to her.  She was even more surprised that the One offering her living water was the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The fisherman, Peter (Luke 5), was surprised that Jesus would have any interest in him, a sinful man.  Jesus made Peter an offer the fisherman couldn’t refuse – to catch men.

The tax collector, Zacchaeus (Luke19), was surprised that Jesus wanted to have a meal with him.  By the end of the meal, Zacchaeus surprised himself by returning money to those he had cheated. 

These are only a few of the people whom Jesus surprised.  But they are not the only ones.  Ask yourself, “How has Jesus surprised me?”

When He spoke His Word of forgiveness to you at a time when you could not forgive yourself?

When He offered His peace to you in a moment when your life was in turmoil?

When He proclaimed His love to you when you felt lonely and unlovable?

As we Run the Race of Faith we can almost assuredly expect Jesus to surprise us in some way.

So often, Jesus surprises us when He does what we deem impossible – comfort our hurting heart or provide peace in the midst of our pain or come to our rescue during depression and discouragement.

Keep on drawing near to Jesus.  Have an open ear and heart for His Word.  Come to His table and hear Him say, “This is my body, this is my blood for the forgiveness of your sins.  See how much I love you!” In the pages of Scripture, the waters of Baptism, the bread and wine in Communion - in these Jesus comes to you.

As you draw near to Jesus, don’t be surprised when He surprises you – answering a prayer when you least expected it, offering a clear path when you couldn’t see it, or speaking a Word of love to you when you really needed it.

What does today look like for you? Same old routine? A day just like any other day?

Be watchful – just like the Samaritan woman or Peter or Zacchaeus, you might find that Jesus has a surprise for you!