Saturday, August 22, 2020

Any One But Me

Few words can strike more fear into a Christian than the word, "evangelism."  It's easy to think of reason why it can be so uncomfortable to share the Gospel with another person - I might offend my friend...I don't know the Bible that well...What if I'm asked a question I can't answer...I'm an introvert so don't ask me to do something like this.

Ray Comfort's new book, "Any One But Me," is one part encouragement, one  part instruction so that you can share Your Jesus with another person.

Comfort points to Bible verses like 1 Peter 3:15 & 2 Timothy 4:2 to show that God's will is for you and me to be ready when we find an opportunity to speak about Jesus.  This is serious business as Comfort points out.  Souls are on the line.  Think of the non-believer friend who means much to you.  You could stand to know that at their death, they would receive only the judgement of the Lord?

Comfort offers 10 proven ways to overcome your doubts and fears so that you'll be prepared to give an answer to another about the hope that you have.  Get yourself a copy of "Any One But Me" today.