Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Speak, Lord, For Your Servant Is Listening

The church where my dear, sweet wife and I are currently attending, St. Mark Lutheran in Phoenix, has a sermon series going, "When God Whispers Your Name."  A very good text that ties into that theme is found in 1 Samuel, chapter three.

The Old Testament book begins with the story about Hannah's barrenness.  Hannah prays that should God enable her to conceive a child she would dedicate that child to the Lord's service.  God, in His mercy, enables her to conceive a child.  "Hannah's Song," as found in the beginning verses of chapter two is pure praise and thanksgiving for God's compassionate love for His people.

In chapter three, we find God whispering to Samuel.  But Samuel believes that Eli the Priest is calling out for him.  Three times God calls Samuel by name.  By that point, Eli realizes that is is God who calling to Samuel.  The priest tells Samuel that when it happens again, respond with the words, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening."

So, we have here some blessed instruction.  When God whispers your name, tell Him that you, His servant, is listening.

This is the best response we can give to God.  So often, we are tempted to listen to every other voice under the sun except the voice of God.  But He does speak to us - in His Holy Word! He speaks and we listen - to His Word of forgiveness...His promise to hear us when we pray...His good news that He has sent to us a Savior...His instruction that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves.  Yes, God speaks all these things to us and much more.

So, when we hear God speak to us, we say, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening."  What then shall we do? Jesus said, "Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and obey it."  (Luke 11:28).  We put that 
Word of God into practice in our daily life.  We see Scripture for more than just words on a page but, instead, as the very Word of God.  Just as you would spend quality time with a good friend, spending time with Jesus brings with it rich fruit of faith.  His love motivates us to love others.  His faithfulness leads us to be faithful as well.  His promises assure us that Jesus is with us now and will be until He comes to gather His church on the Last Day.

God called out "Samuel."  The young man replied, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening."  May the Holy Spirit move us to speak the same to us when God whispers our names.