Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Daily Kairos

My dear, sweet wife and I have just started using the daily Kairos journal.  Kairos is the Greek word for "time," and the idea is that one uses the journal to make time for the Lord each day.  The journal encourages Scripture memorization, making a "gratitude" list, a written prayer, an intentional act, and space for recording thoughts and ideas for the day's Scripture reading.

The journal causes a busy person to slow down and make time for strengthening your relationship with God.  I like that the journal helps a person to develop time and space for prayer, Scripture reading and reflection.  We are only a couple of days in to journaling but I think the daily discipline will be helpful.

The journal comes with some directions for filling out the pages of the journal.  While looking through them, I noticed this quote from author and pastor, Tim Keller:

It is not the strength of your faith but the object of your faith that actually saves you.

Faith needs an object to attach itself to.  Faith rooted in ourselves will disappoint us every time.  Instead, Jesus is the object of our faith.  Looking to Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life, will never disappoint.  Jesus is our salvation and new life.  He hears our prayers for forgiveness and is present with us each new day. 

It is so easy to become focused on one or more activities each day that often have nothing to do with strengthening a growing faith in Jesus.  I'm excited to see the Kairos journal draw us closer to the Lord.