Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Psalms to read when anxious

I've been filled with much anxiety lately.  The world is in upheaval, politics is so nasty, and morality seems to be an an all-time low.  I worry about my kids and grandkids.  One thing my dear, sweet wife and I did right was to make sure that our kids were in church and Sunday school every week. But our kids are not following the example we set.  I'm concerned that as these grandkids grow older, worshiping God will become less of a priority.  We know that Satan never takes a day off, an hour off, a second off.  The grandkids are still young enough to develop good worshiping habits.  But time flies by so quickly.

I'm also anxious about aging.  I never thought about my age while I was working.  Maybe I was too busy.  But now when I hear of someone who passed away at 72 or 75 or 77, I can't help but think, "I'm almost there.  Will people be reading my obit sooner rather than later?"

I know that my Redeemer lives.  He is the resurrection and the life and everyone who believes in Him will never die.  But I struggle with aches and pains and fear they will become worse.  My dear, sweet wife cared for her Mom and Dad in their last years.  Will she have to do the same for me.

Well, I went searching for some Psalms that I hoped will calm my fears and anxiety.  Psalm 23 was a good place to start.  The Lord will lead me through the valley of the shadow of death and I will be with Him in the house of the Lord forever.  Psalm 121 is a favorite.  It assures me that the Lord is watching me constantly; nothing escapes His attention.  Psalm 77, especially verse 19, has been a source of comfort for sometime now.  The Lord is with me whether I see his footsteps or not.

I've been called for dinner so time to go.  But I'm glad I have some good reading material for tonight.