Saturday, December 23, 2023

In the City of David a Savior has been Born

Even though I am no longer in full-time ministry, I've found myself pretty busy this Advent season.  I have the privilege of preaching and leading worship every Sunday at Christ the Redeemer in Phoenix.  I also make calls as needed.  And each Thursday I teach a morning Bible class at Church of the Master in Phoenix.  So, I'm actually looking forward to a short break at Christmas.

Until then, you're invited to join us at Christ the Redeemer tomorrow for worship at 9 am for what we are calling the 4th Sunday in Advent.  Then at 6 pm we will hold our Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 6 pm,  There will be several Christmas videos, special music, a word from God's Word, communion and plenty of Christmas hymns and songs.  If you haven't a place to celebrate the birth of the Christ child consider joining us tomorrow evening at 6 pm.

Also, I'm going to take a break from the blog for a week or so.  I'll be back after the first of the year.  I noticed recently that since I started this blog I've have over 250,000 people visit.  That's amazing! So, thank for checking it out.

To you and yours, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2023

It Happened!

From a Christmas sermon from Norman Nagel (1975)

The angel's message is simply what happened - a birth - and the identification of the one born - "a Savior who is Christ the Lord."  Impossible? No, it has happened.  God did not have to wait for clearance from us whether it is possible or not.  It happened.  A Savior born, Christ the Lord. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

 Gloria in excelsis Deo

Et in terra pax
     hominbus bonae voluntaris

Laudamus te

Benedictimus te

Adoramus te

Glorificamus te

Which is...

Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will to men.

We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we worship Thee; we glorify Thee!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

You have Christ in your neighbor

I've posted the following before - it comes from the biography, "Here I Stand." (page 354)

Many in the congregation think to themselves, "I only I had been there! How quick I would have been to help the Baby! I would have washed His linen.  How happy I would have been to go with the shepherds to see the Lord lying in the manger!

Yes, you would! You say that because you know how great Christ is, but if you had been there at that time you would have done no better than the people of Bethlehem.  Childish and silly thoughts are these!

Why don't you do it now? You have Christ in your neighbor.  You ought to serve him, for what you do to your neighbor in need you do to the Lord Christ Himself.

Martin Luther

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

God gives the world a baby

Christianity, rightly understood, is utterly unlike religion that man invents.  It is so completely contrary to the way man does things that it must have come from God.  Take Christmas, for example; only God could have thought of that.  When man invents a super being, he comes up with a Superman, or a Captain Marvel.  God gives the world a baby.

Richard Halverson, quoted in "The Light Has Shined" devotional by Dr. Tim Smith 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Almost A Charlie Brown Christmas

My wife and I took two of our grandkids the the Arizona Broadway Theatre last Saturday for their morning performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas.  We learned that they had never watched the television classic so this seemed the perfect time to introduce the grandkids to Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Snoopy and the rest of the lovable cast of characters.

The climax of the program is when Linus recites the Christmas story from Luke, chapter two.  And true to the original program, Linus once again took center stage.

The character began with verse eight: and they were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

But then, disappointment.  Verse 10: Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy for all  people.  Then  the speaker jumped to verse 13:  Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And so, what was left out? Only the most important part of the angel's announcement, verses 11 and 12:

For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And you will find the babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Was this another example of our "woke" society that that worships at the great gods of "Me, myself and I?"  Were the producers afraid of offending someone who only sees Christmas as a time for gifts and parties and not for giving God thanks for the greatest gift of all?

Why are people so afraid of Jesus? He is the Savior that people need.  He takes our sins and pays for them at the cross.  He rescues us from death and gives eternal life.  Only He can offer a lasting peace.

In the end this gave us a teaching moment for our grandkids.  Their parents love and worship Jesus and the children are being raised to do the same.  But the day was a bit of a disappointment for me.  I wasn't expecting an Almost Charlie Brown Christmas.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

All Is Well

When times are tough, a little good news can lift the spirit and give hope.  Learn how the message God gave to the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah gave them the reassurance that "All Is Well."  Join us this Sunday at Christ the Redeemer in Phoenix.  And have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Viva Vox Jesu!

 "Viva Vox Jesu" - the living voice of God - is what we hear when His Word is read and preached.  The Word of Jesus is both a written and an oral Word.  This Word, though written in words inspired and canonically received, is also spoken and heard within a community called the body of Christ.  This voice is a living voice, for by it Jesus Christ is present for us bodily...we acknowledge that God's Word is God's food for hungry pilgrims who have journeyed in Christ through a baptism of His death and resurrection toward the final destination of full communion with Him in heaven.

Arthur Just, "Heaven on Earth," page 199

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I Have A Black Dog, His Name is Depression

Do you suffer from depression? Do you know someone who does?

The World Health Organization is offering a video entitled, "I had a black dog, his name was depression."  My dear, sweet wife had me watch the video last night.  One of her students had shown the video earlier in class.

The writer/produced gets it.  His description of the "black dog" is spot on in my opinion.

He captures so well what it feels like to be depressed.  And he also offers some very helpful suggestion on how a person might deal with the "black dog."

The video offered much hope and encouragement.  Could you use a little of that today?

Check out the video by going to  The "black dog" video should be on the home page under popular videos.  If the black dog has moved into your home or is bugging you constantly at work or follows you wherever you go, take four minutes and watch the video.  We all can use a little encouragement and help, right? 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Mighty God!

As we think upon Jesus as "Mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6) it is important to remember that most people have experienced power as power OVER them, through coercion and control.  But Jesus, as "Mighty God" wields His power FOR people, to seek and to save.  "Mighty God" comes not to "lord it over" but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

In a Nazi prison, awaiting his execution, Dietrich Bonhoeffer experienced the mighty power of Jesus self-less love:

"God lets Himself be pushed out of the world onto the cross.  He is weak and powerless in the world, and that is precisely the way, the only way, in which he is with us and helps us...Christ helps us, not by virtue of His omnipotence, but by virtue of His weakness and suffering." (From his book, "Letters and Papers from Prison.")

From infinite love "Mighty God" stoops to share our darkness and death so that we might forever share His life and glory.  Oh, great mystery, that the light has shined in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it (John 1:5).

From "The Light Has Shined," page 26

On the Freedom of the Common Man

I gleaned a couple of interesting quotes from reading Luther's book (referenced in today's blog entry).

Good works do not make a man good but a good man does good works.

I  will give myself as a part of Christ to my neighbor as Christ gave Himself for me.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Top Ten Signs You're At A Bad Wedding

10) When just before the service the groom asks to go to the bathroom...and never comes back.

9) When instead of saying, "You may kiss the bride," the pastor says, "Get 'er done!"

8) When the groom and the bride's father get into a fist fight as the bride is given away.

7) When the photographer is asking people, "Anybody got some Kodak film?"

6) When the bride is escorted down the aisle to the tune of "Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted."

5) When the invitation indicates that the reception is being held at the Golden Corral.

4) When the music at the reception is being provided by "Al Jones and his Happy Accordian."

3) When the pastor asks the groom for the license and the groom replies, "Hunting or fishing?"

2) When the service stops just before the vows are said because the bride goes into labor.

And the number one sign that you're at a bad wedding:

1) When the service begins late because the groom couldn't make bail!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Top Ten Signs You're Spending Too Much Time At Costco

10) Consider tasting all the food samples as a "meal"

9) Asking to take a run on the forklift

8) Filling up at the gas pumps every day whether you need to or not

7) Ladies dressing rooms would make for perfect clothes shopping experience

6) Spending $212 on books that you'll never read

5) Asking random employee why wine selection doesn't include "Three Buck Chuck"

4) Wondering why men's pants aren't offered in size 44

3) Searching for 30 minutes trying to find right box to pack purchases 

2) Proudly show Costco credit card at entrance to every store you enter

And the number one sign you're spending too much time at Costco...

1) Sunday family meals are held at the Food Court

Friday, December 8, 2023

What Christ Does For You

Christ opens our hearts to love, opens our hands to give, opens our mouths to witness.

Frank Starr

Thursday, December 7, 2023

How do we keep God's Law?

How might we keep the Law and love one another without fail, without holding back? Setting our will to do it or making promises or resolutions has never worked before, and it won't work now.  How might we keep the Law which we've never yet kept before? But putting on the Lord Jesus Christ. That is it.  It is the only way.  It is in being loved, being forgiven, being fed the Holy Supper that not only is sin forgiven but faith is also strengthened.  In that  - those things that God has given for His church, for her faith and life - the Holy Spirit takes up residence and works do follow.  The only way for sinners like us to keep the Law is to have the Law kept for us.

From "God With Us, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Sermons" by David H. Petersen.  Page 22. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Mystery of Holy Night

(Luke 2:1-20) speaks of the birth of a child, not the revolutionary deed of a strongman, or the breathtaking discovery of a sage, of the pious deed of a saint.  It truly goes beyond anything our minds can grasp.  The birth of a child is to bring about the great transformation of all things, is to bring salvation and redemption to all of humanity.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Taken from the devotional, "The Light Has Shined" by Timothy Smith 

God and Sinners reconciled


God and sinners reconciled!

Last night we checked off from our list one of the Christmas programs we must watch each season - A Charlie Brown Christmas.  One television critic called the program one that "never gets old."  Perhaps it's a timeless program because it features a timeless message.

Yes, the message.  Charlie Brown wants to know what is the meaning of Christmas.  He can't believe Christmas is all about glitz and glitter, about the fake and the artificial.  It can't be about aluminum Christmas trees and prizes for the best decorated house (or dog house!), Charlie reasons.

Linus has the answer Charlie Brown is seeking.  And in a day and time in which the world seems determined to bury the answer, Linus proclaims it with all confidence.  "For born to you this day in the city of David is a Savior; He is Christ the Lord."

Following that good news message the program ends with Charlie and his friends singing, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing."  Although I've sung the hymn more times than I can remember, this time around I was struck by the line, "God and sinners reconciled."

This is the reason for the birth of Bethlehem's child.  Sin separates people from God.  Since all people are sinners, all need to be reconciled to our Maker and Creator.  We needed to be reconciled to God. The problem - we can't do it ourselves.

Who is the person who works to help bring people back together? A counselor.  A counselor helps people work out their differences.

That's Jesus.  Remember Isaiah's prophecy in chapter nine?  "And He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Jesus reconciles a perfect God with perfectly imperfect sinners.  Our situation was hopeless.  Jesus brings hope.  Like Adam and Eve we were the cast-out ones.  Now we can approach God.  He calls us His own.  We belong to His kingdom.  All because of the forgiveness and new life that Jesus has worked for us.

I pray that this must-see classic never goes away.  In a world filled with bad news this is one program that delivers the good news that we can use.  We are reconciled to God! Amen!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The devil has been defeated ... but

How come we so often act as if the devil were still celebrating? How come we so often live as if it were still Good Friday and Easter had never come? We can't blame the devil for getting off the canvas after Easter's knockout blow.  We should expect the master chameleon, as he sweats to hold the world captive in chaos and uncertainty, to camouflage defeat as victory.

"As Luther Taught the Word of Truth" page 56

Monday, December 4, 2023

The mission is the thing

I recently heard of a church that is going through a difficult time.  Certain changes were proposed and people will support the changes so long that they are not impacted by these changes.  

People are like that sometime.  When we're comfortable, change is the last thing we want to deal with.

Making changes in the church can be difficult but not impossible.  It's how you propose the change that is important.

Pete Steinke gets it right when he wrote, "Resistance to change is far less intense and protracted when change is made for the sake of the mission."

People need to understand why the change, whatever it is, is being sought.  How does this change impact the mission of the church.  How will the mission of the church be strengthen by making the necessary change.  What is the benefit to those who are being effected by the change.  Why is it worth making the sacrifice so that the mission of the church moves forward.

There is an old joke that goes, "How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb? CHANGE!" So, we don't like change.  But sometimes it is worth it if the change will lead to a stronger church with new opportunities to fulfill the mission the Lord has given to the church.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Are You Watching?

Every so often so so-called Bible scholar comes up with a prediction of when the Last Day will happen.  Is that possible? Doesn't the Bible say that only God knows the Last Day? That's what the Bible says and one thing is certain - you won't miss it!

Learn more this Sunday at Christ the Redeemer in Phoenix as we begin a new church year with the first Sunday of Advent.  It all begins at 9 am.

Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, December 1, 2023

Let God be God!

 You must let God be God, persuaded that He knows more about you than you do yourself.

Martin Luther, "Luther's World of Thought," page 300