Wednesday, February 28, 2024

God Never Grows Tired Of Hearing From You


God never grows tired of hearing from you

Author John Fischer writes: I have a bad habit.  When my children tell me something they've learned for the first time, I often act as if I knew that.

When my wife hears something "new" from the kids, her mouth drops open and her eyes widen.  It's as if she had never heard this kind of thing before.  The kids' faces brighten, and they feel as if they have actually enlightened their mother.

I used to think my wife wasn't just acting and sooner or later the kids would find out and feel lied to. Then I realized it isn't an act at all.  Though she may already have experienced what they are trying to tell her, she's never experienced it through them.  Their personal "revelations" are entirely new.

It's the same with God.  As all-knowing as He is, I'm sure He's still eager to hear our prayers because He has never heard it quite the way we say it.  We are all unique.  We have our own signature attached to all we do and say.  Our lives, our experiences, and our faith expressed to Him are never old.

We've all had a time or two in our lives when we've prayed and prayed to God about a problem with which we're struggling.  In fact, we've prayed so often that we're convinced that God has heard just about enough from us on the subject.

Not so! Instead, we have this promise from the Psalms: "I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me."  (Psalm 120:1)  So pray, my friends.  It doesn't matter if you've offered a particular prayer petition 50 times.  Pray it again.  Tell God your troubles.  He never grows tired of hearing from you!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Every Good Thing

Here's a Bible verse for you to chew on today: I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.  Philemon, verse six.

It has been said that the six hardest words to say are: "I was wrong.  Please forgive me."

Many find it difficult to say these four words in return: "Yes, I forgive you."

One of the lessons the little letter of Philemon can teach us is the importance of practicing forgiveness.

I call it "practicing" because a forgiving nature doesn't come easily.

We can be hurt by the wrongs committed against us.  We might suffer loss.  We might feel pain.  We can be abandoned.  Our reputation might take an unjust hit.

The person inflicting such damage may come to their senses.  With sincerity of heart they approach you to seek reconciliation.  They speak to you the six hardest words to say.  They ask for forgiveness. How do you respond?

One thing you can do is to remember "every good thing (you) have in Christ."  You remember the humiliation of Christ: His immaculate conception and humble birth; His unjust suffering and His cruel death and burial.  You think of the price your Savior God paid so that you might receive forgiveness for the wrongs you've committed against the Holy God.  You remember the grace of God in your own life.  You think on how the resurrected Christ reached out to those who failed Him during His passion.  Then, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you extend grace to the person who seeks forgiveness from you.

Reconciliation takes place between you and a friend, just as it did between Philemon and Onesimus.

Grab some time today and read Paul's letter to Philemon.  Check it out and let the forgiving love of your Savior heal your hurts and give you strength to extend God's grace to others.

Monday, February 26, 2024

I'm back!

 Back by popular demand (Ok, it was just a few people), I've decided to resume blogging.  Check back to find posts on just about anything that captures my attention, tickles my fancy, or any other cliche you might think of.

Have a blessed day!