Sunday, February 12, 2017

"Growing God's Church"

Gary L. McIntosh's new book should be required reading for every pastor.  A copy should be given to the members of the evangelism, outreach or witnessing teams.  It would be beneficial for any lay man or woman to read as well.  "Growing God's Church" is that good.

McIntosh provides updated research to explain why people are coming to church, what keeps them in church, and why it's so important for a church and its people to develop an awareness for lost souls.

I really appreciated McIntosh's emphasis on the importance of speaking God's saving Word to people. It's not enough to show the love of Jesus by doing good deeds for your neighbor.  Your neighbor needs to know what motivates you to show the love of Jesus and that is the Gospel message of forgiveness and salvation in Christ.

The book is also full of practical ways and ideas for the church to begin doing serious outreach into its community.  If your church is struggling to find ways to meaningfully share Jesus with others, buy a copy of this book for your pastor.  And one for yourself.