Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Prayer for the Young Baptized

For the last couple of months I've been studying the basics of Christian faith with a young lady and her grandparents.  It has been a joy to have watched the Holy Spirit work through the Word to bring and nurture her faith so that she is unashamed to confess Jesus as her Savior and Lord.

Tomorrow, she will be baptized.  Water and the Word will bring about a cleansing of sins and grant to her forgiveness of sins, new life in Christ and the promise of eternal life.  It will be a day of celebration for our church.

I found a prayer in "Teenagers Pray," published by Concordia Publishing House.  I pray that it will be a prayer that this young lady will use often.  It also can be prayed by anyone who has been baptized.

Dear Heavenly Father, I speak joyfully because I know You love me, because through Baptism You have made me a member of Your family.  I thank You for all the rich blessings that are mine because I am baptized - for the forgiveness of sins, for saving faith in my Savior, Jesus, and for the ability to live a God-pleasing life.  Like the man of Ethiopia after his baptism, I go on my way rejoicing.  I have not earned these blessings, but You have given all as a free gift of Your great love for me.  For this accept my sincere thanks.

I am sorry that I sin against the promises I made at my Baptism.  Forgive me these sins for Jesus' sake.  Send Your Holy Spirit to strengthen me in my faith and in the power to fight all sins and temptations.  Give me a joyful hope in Your promise of eternal life.  Help me lead others to You that they also may receive the everlasting blessings of Baptism; in Jesus' name.  Amen.