Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I resolve...

I resolve...

To focus my reading on Jesus.  I have a wonderful daily devotional called "Together With Jesus," written by pastor and author, Richard Lauersdorf.  The devotional is singular in purpose - to help the reader see with greater clarity how Jesus is the center of our life and worthy of our undivided attention.  Lauersdorf is a fine writer.  I'm amazed at how he, in a few paragraphs, can show Jesus as our Savior, Redeemer, Brother, Intercessor, and the only way to heaven.  I look forward to spending another year with this book.

Read through the Bible this year.  I have done this daily exercise before but in the past few years I've found it hard to stay focused and do the reading appointed for the day.  Fortunately, tomorrow offers a fresh start and I intend to begin each day with my devotional and the daily Bible reading.  Truthfully, I can't wait to get started.

I've thought about adding to this list but frankly, if I can do the two things listed above my new year will be full of blessings.  Growing closer to Jesus impacts every other aspect of our lives.  No matter what you plan to accomplish this year, put Jesus at the top of your list.  May 2020 be full of blessings for you as you cling to the promises of God.