Have you ever had second thoughts about something or someone? Ever wish you'd taken more time before you bought the new car...or said "yes" when asked to go on a date...or accepted the new assignment at work? When the car breaks down or the date is a waste of time or the new assignment causes headaches and bellyaches, it's so easy to second guess yourself about the decisions you made.

I've been reading the letter to the Hebrews for the last two weeks. It's clear that it was designed to help the Jewish converts deal with their doubts. However, this is a letter from which we can all benefit. Using the inspired Word of God, the writer shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises of the prophets. In times of persecution and struggle, whether 2000 years ago or today, Hebrews teaches us that there's only one Lord and Savior to whom we can place our trust. Trust in Jesus and walk with Him - there is no reason to ever look back!