Saturday, March 28, 2020

Top 10 Signs Your Pastor Is Taking the Coronavirus Too Seriously

Hello again!  Are you ready to hear about something besides the coronavirus.  Hopefully, this new top 10 list will give you a chuckle or two.

But first! Join us tomorrow at 9 am for our second on-line worship service.  This will be a more complete service with hymns, liturgy, confession and absolution, readings, prayers and a message.  The focus is on the death of Lazarus and how Jesus reacts to the news of the death of His friend.  Be ready to worship at 9 o'clock and tell a friend about the service.  We can be found at our website -, and also on YouTube and Facebook.  Just type "Life in Christ Lutheran Church" in the search box and you should find the service.

By suspending services, some pastors have been criticized for being too cautious.  I can guarantee you that if your pastor has taken that position, it's because he is concerned for you, your health and the community's health.  Now, more than ever, we need to support, help and encourage one another.  Stay safe, be well and keep on trusting in the Lord.

Ok, here it is -- the Top 10 Signs Your Pastor is Taking the Coronavirus too Seriously!

10) Pastor asks the congregation to maintain a social distance of 60 feet

9) Suggests to the LWML that they knit Christian themed masks and gloves for worshippers

8) Convinced that the makers of Corona Beer are behind the virus to get extra publicity

7) Calls the coronavirus the 11th plague

6) Replaces the sermon with video updates from President Trump

5) Had a surgical mask painted on the portrait of Martin Luther that hangs in the Narthex

4) Has the congregation commit to memory, "Smitten, Stricken and Afflicted"

3) Believes God is punishing the church because of last year's play: "The Real Housewives of Sodom and Gomorrah"

2) To increase attendance places a sign, "Coronavirus testing done here," in front of church

And the number one sign...

1) Promises to preach a short sermon for a 4 pack of toilet paper

Enjoy your Saturday and tune in tomorrow at 9 am for LICL On-Line Worship!