Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Love goes sideways

“When the logs from our eyes have been removed through Calvary, we see.  We see Jesus on the cross supplied by us, for us.  We see ourselves as forgiven sinners.  Then, when we bump into another sinner, we are able to help for love comes sideways.”  Dr. Norman Nagel.

The Bible teaches that we love others because Jesus first loved us.  There is our motivation, our reason for reaching out in love to the people on either side of us.  Jesus came down from heaven, lived the perfect life, offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, has given us his perfect righteousness that makes us perfectly acceptable to our Father in heaven.

During these days of the coronavirus, we can all practice showing “love sideways.”  This includes a number of simple things that many of you are already doing.  Sending a text…making a phone call…mailing a card…offering up a prayer.   Many are taking advantage of Facetime or Zoom to connect with one person or a group of people.   I’ve heard of a couple of friends who watch our online worship at the same time.  When the service is done, they each grab a pastry and cup of coffee and call each other.  I’m told it’s the next best thing to goodie hour at church.

No doubt, we have to be creative as we reach out to those we love and care for.  But it's worth it.  God be praised as you let your love go sideways!