Friday, May 1, 2020

The Pocket Prayer

I found Max Lucado's Pocket Prayer helpful in ordering daily prayers....

Father, You are good...

You have given me life, You give me everything to sustain this life, and you do so simply out of Your goodness and mercy which is like no other.

I need help...

I've come to the end of this week and there is still so much to do.  Give me patience and peace so that I don't panic but work with diligence and finish up those things that have to get done today.

They need help...

Have mercy on those who are ill; grant comfort to all who mourn; strengthen faith for all who are being tested; change the hearts of those who lack love and seek selfish ways.

Thank You...

Thank You, Father, for the faith I have received so that I might believe; Thank You, Father, for the hope that I have received which makes life worth living; Thank You, Father, for the love I have received from You - help me to share that love with others today.

In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Thanks to author, Max Lucado, and his book, "Before Amen."