Monday, May 25, 2020

Turning off the lights

Good morning kind readers!

I started this blog in the summer of 2011.  It was to serve as an online journal for tracking all I did and saw during my summer sabbatical.

When I returned from sabbatical it was suggested that I keep the blog going.  So I did.  And except for summer vacations and Christmas/New Year's holiday, I've continue to blog 3 to 6 times a week.  Not all my entries were original.  I passed along words of wisdom and thoughts from the journals I keep.  I can't say that this blog became "must reading" for many.  I average about 100 views a day.

I've reached the point where I'm going to turn the light off on this blog, so to speak.  I've not been practicing good "self care" for a long time.  Now, I'm exhausted.  I need to take a break.

Pastors, as a group, rarely take good care of themselves.  To ask for help might be taken for weakness, we think. Most pastors work harder, put in more hours, pray for everyone but themselves and feel guilty to take even a short break.

On top of all that, there is the constant stress of the vocation.  Ministry is a 24 hour a day/7 days a week calling.  Some people can be so disrespectful, so demanding, and so unreasonable.  Many rarely consider the burdens the pastor carries; they only care about their issue, their concern, their complaint!  The joy of the Lord is a pastor's strength.  Unfortunately, in every congregation, their are those "joy zappers" who make life in the parish so tough.

We hear a lot of what is "essential" and what is "non essential."  I've come to realize that this blog falls in the "non essential" category.

Essential is my relationship with my Savior, Jesus.  Essential is taking good care of myself so that I might take care, with the Lord's help, of course, of those who are part of the flock.  Essential is making my family top priority instead of being moved off to the side.

It's been wonderful sharing thoughts and ideas with you.  I hope that from time to time you received some encouragement and help from the blog.  There is no better subject to write about than our loving and gracious God.

God be with you! Rest in His grip! (John 10:28)

Pastor George Spicer