Monday, January 25, 2021

Jesus cleanses us inside and out

 We put on good outward appearances.  Even pagans usually appear to be nice people.  But the secret sins within us trouble and perplex us most.  The wicked thoughts, the unspoken jealousies, the unexpressed anger, the secret, ungodly desires.  These are the sins that gnaw away at us.  These are the sins that keep us awake at night.

 Jesus came to wash away our sins, all our sins: our sins others can see and also the sins we can only see.  Psalm 51:7 says, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." Through faith in His death and resurrection, we are made clean by Jesus, inside and out.

"Portals of Prayer," Monday, January 25.