Monday, January 18, 2021

The gift of confession

 So how do we get the log our of our own eye (Luke 6:42)? One word: confession.  The word confession comes from a Greek word that means "to say the same word."  In Confession, we say the same word that God says.  God's Word says that we are sinful from birth, that we live in sin moment by moment, day by day.  That's the diagnosis, the log in our eye.  And we agree, God's judgment is true.  But God takes the log our of our eye by forgiving our sins day by day, moment by moment, for Jesus' sake, through His sacrificial death on the cross and His victorious resurrection.  The log is gone.  Through the gift of Confession, we can say with certainty and joy that we are God's forgiven children.

From "Portals of Prayer," January 18