Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Captive in a prison of fear

I've spent some time in prison.  I was there because I put myself there.  It was so stupid.  I couldn't sleep.  I was anxious and nervous.  My heart was restless.  My stomach was tied up in knots.  It was horrible.

I was being held captive in a prison of fear.  Afraid of an individual.  Afraid of the trouble the person might cause me.  Afraid of the hurt the person might cause me and others.  I didn't want to see the person.  Didn't want to have anything to do with the individual.  I would have been glad if they had just gone away.  But the truth was that I was going to have to deal with person sometime.

God had mercy on me, His silly and weak child.  He freed me from my prison of fear.  The key He used to unlock my cell door was His Holy Word.  I read the words, "When I am afraid, I will trust in You.  In God, whose Word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.  What can mortal man do to me."  (Psalm 56:3-4)

In these words the psalmist was reminding me that faith trumps fear.  There was no reason to pull closed the cell door of my self-imposed prison.  God is greater than my fear.  He is more powerful and wise than any of my enemies.  According to the psalmist, God has my back, so to speak.  I didn't have to be afraid of the troublemaker.  God was with me.  Praise His comforting Word! How grateful I was to my Lord and Savior for springing me from captivity.

St. Peter writes, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."  Trust God.  He does care for you! Tell him about your adversaries and your problems.  And don't be afraid.  Walk before God in the light of life.  (Psalm 56:13).