Saturday, May 29, 2021

Baptism is God's mark of ownership

While doing some research this morning on the possibility of studying Paul's letter to the Ephesians with our Thursday evening Bible class, I came across the following in Thomas Winger's commentary:

As Jesus was anointed with the Spirit at His Baptism to be the Christ ("the Anointed One"), so also the one who is baptized into Him is anointed with the same Spirit to be a Christian ("anointed one").  This Baptism is God's mark of ownership upon those whom He has chosen for eternal redemption.

You pruned my dying branches, That could produce no wine

 By grafting me to Jesus, Made me a living vine

In Your Baptismal flood, You drowned cruel death, that tyrant

 And made my spirit vibrant, Through Jesus and His blood

(Paul Gerhardt)

Thomas Winger, "Ephesians - Concordia Commentary," pages 232-33