Sunday, August 26, 2018

Think, Learn, Succeed

"Are you succeeding or just surviving?" All of us want our lives to count for something.  We want to feel as though we've lived up to our full potential. And yet there are times when it seems that the best we can do is just get through another day.

Dr. Caroline Leaf, in her new book, "Think, Learn, Succeed," believes that we can leave the "same old-same old" life behind by understanding how the mind works.  In doing so, Leaf writes, a person can "redefine your past, reimagine your present, and realize your future."

If you are adverse to change, you should probably not read this book.  Because Dr. Leaf will challenge readers to do just that - change your mindset.  She takes on established thinking and, in many cases, turns it upside down.  And if you've ever felt that you're not as gifted or as intelligent than others, Dr. Leaf offers hope and encouragement.  She makes it clear throughout the book - you can learn to learn.

Ready to change your mindset? Read this book.