Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Top 10 Signs You're Reading a Bad Bible Translation

 There are lots of different translations of the Bible available at your local bookstore.  But which one to read? This Top 10 will help you identify a bad Bible translation.

10) In Luke 10, Martha is referred to as the "Barefoot Contessa"

9) Using popular Bible numerology, Isaiah 9:2 actually reads: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light and they were blinded by staring at it too long."

8) Images of Jesus replaced with photos of Jim Caviezel 

7) Many Bible verses end with multiple choices for the reader.  For example: "The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our..." a) faith or b) rations or c) Peter's opportunities to stick his foot in his mouth."

6) Offers a Large Print edition for those with poor eyesight and a Fine Print edition for Christian salespeople and attorneys

5) Advertising boasts, "This is the perfect Bible to gather dust on your bookshelf!"

4) Bible edited by scholars from  Cambridge University, Fuller Seminary and the California College of Chiropractic

3) Bible publication date was missed due to a recount in the book of Numbers

2) Describes the devil as "the father of lies," "a roaring lion," and "the one who raises your cable bill every month"

And the number one sign that you're reading a bad Bible translation:

1) The Book of Palms