Saturday, December 26, 2020

Why Jesus came into our world

 In the "The Horse and His Boy," by CS  Lewis, there is little girl by the name of Aravis who has a slave girl.  She treats her slave horribly.  Aslan, the Christ-figure in the "Chronicles of Narnia" series, comes to Aravis and scratches her.  She asked why he did it, and Aslan answers, "I didn't scratch you because you need to be punished.  I scratched you because you needed to know what it feels like."

 That's what Christ did.  He entered time and space.  He walked our dirty roads, and He died in our place.  He learned firsthand what it feels like to be in a fallen world.  Jesus entered time and space, not just to keep you from being lonely or afraid but to be lonely and afraid.  Not just to keep you from dying but to die.  Because He knows what it feels like, like the Bible says.  He is kind and gentle.

 God to Him.  He longs to show you what unconditional love feels like.

Steve Brown