Friday, January 15, 2021

The Friday Funny - Creative Teaching Backfires

 A Lutheran pastor who served a deaf congregation fumbled through his sermons weekly.  Although he had a good background in sign language, the pastor did not know the sign for "testament."  So every time he referred to a Scripture verse, he had to spell out the word "Old" or "New" and then the word "Testament."

 One Sunday morning the pastor got creative and invented a sign for the missing word.  When he read from the Psalms, he signed "Old" and then made the sign for the letter T.  The congregation giggled.  Then when he read from Luke, he signed "New" and did the same T sign.  Again the congregation giggled.

 After the service some of the parishioners were still giggling as they greeted the pastor.  Finally, a member told him: "Do you know what you read today? You read lessons from the old and new toilet."