Saturday, March 25, 2023

God made Him

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.  2 Corinthians 5:21

A few years ago a friend of mine worked throughout the fall so that he would have a doll house ready for his five year old granddaughter on Christmas Day.  Every free minute he had available, he worked on that house.  He put together the blue print himself.  Picked out sturdy wood and painted it with great care.  Spent night after night in his basement until he was finished.  

On Christmas morning  he watched as his granddaughter wiped the sleepers out of her eyes.  She saw the doll house and let out a joyous yell.  And my friend sat looking on with a smile on his face.  He made that doll house and he made it well.

"God made Him..." My friend knew that his granddaughter wanted a doll house.  It would the perfect gift.  We didn't know that we needed a gift from God.  We came into this world stained with the sin of our first parents and we've been sinning ever since.  Before God we were labeled "unrighteous."

"God made..." Just as my friend made that doll house with the intention that his granddaughter would have a great gift, so God very intentionally made One who would come to take upon Himself our unrighteousness and pay for it by shedding His blood on the cross.  Jesus became "sin for us,"  This Jesus did so that our sorrow for sin would be turned into joy with the knowledge that we now stand righteous and holy before the Father.

At the very beginning of time, when God was creating all things, each called each one of the "good."  But God saved His best handiwork for us.  He knew of our need.  He made Him, His only begotten Son, to be our Savior.  And now we are the ones that shout with joy, "Praise the Lord!"