Monday, July 10, 2017

How To Break Growth Barriers

Maybe you're a pastor or lay leader who has seen God bless your church with growth and believe that He is leading your church to make plans to move to the next level of growth.  Or perhaps you're a pastor of a church that seems to have reached it peak and you've got no idea of how to reverse the trend.

You would be wise to purchase a copy of "How To Break Growth Barriers," by Carl F. George and Warren Bird.

George has been consulting with pastors, lay leaders and congregations for years.  His experience and research have gone into this new book, offering ideas on how to change the pastor and church so growth can take place.  George is very transparent; he reveals some of his own weaknesses and challenges he faced while in the pastoral ministry.  If you are a pastor who feels overworked and burned out, you should read this book.

The chapter, "Should You Use More Than One Leadership Style" is probably worth the price of the book.  There you will read about Stakeholders, Berry Buckets, New Berries, Senior New Berries, Senior Formerberries and Junior Formerberries.  Makes no sense? I assure you, George provides real enlightenment on understanding the people of your congregation.

I'm not sure this is the best book Carl George has written.  But it may be his most important.