Saturday, July 29, 2017

Thinking about Yvonne

This morning at 11 am we will hold a Memorial Service for Yvonne Doede.  We expect a full house. Yvonne and her husband, Harold, moved to the Valley of the Sun from Wisconsin and they were a blessing to our community and church.  They both had serving and giving hearts and if they were needed you always knew they would be there for you.

When I arrived at Life in Christ in 2005, Yvonne was helping to get the Sunday school going.  She taught a group of older children and was a bit of a tough taskmaster.  But she wasn't mean or uncaring. She just wanted the children to know Jesus, know the Scriptures, know that they were loved by God and saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

Yvonne faithfully worshiped her Lord and Savior every Sunday.  She was glad for Jesus' invitation to come to the altar and receive the Lord's Supper.  Her example of faith and devotion to the Lord will be missed.

A reception and light luncheon will take place following the service in the Christian Life Center hall. Come and support Harold and his family today.

You are also invited to attend worship this evening at 5 pm or on Sunday at 8 and 11 am.  Bible classes for all ages will meet at 9:30.

Have a blessed weekend!