Friday, July 7, 2017

Oh, did I forget...

To let you know I was going on vacation? Well, I did forget and I felt badly about that.  I know how frustrating it can be to visit a blog day after day and find no new content.  So, I'll try not to let it happen again.  Deal?

We spent almost 2 glorious weeks in Green Bay, Wisconsin visiting my youngest daughter, Katie, and her family.  My oldest, Stephanie, and her family joined us for a couple of days,  Green Bay is a wonderful place to visit in the summertime.  Most days the highs were in the mid 70's so Sherri and I tried to soak up all the cool breezes we could.

We were able to celebrate my grandson, Luke's birthday (age 9) and Drew's birthday (age 5).

We were continually amused by the antics of our other grandboys, Ethan (age 7) and Duke (age 2).

I spent quality time with Katie's dog, Howie.  (See below)

For the third year in a row we got to see a Peninsula Players performance - the best one yet!

Visited the downtown Green Bay Farmers Market - great food trucks and lots of local produce and plenty of cheese.

Went out to Thorneberry Creek Golf Club which is hosting an LPGA golf tourney.  My son in law, Josh, is the COO of the club and has been working to bring the LPGA to Green Bay for more than a year.  All his hard work paid off! The first round is in the books and the remaining three rounds will be televised (in part) on the Golf Channel (which we will be watching from start to finish).

As we flew in to Phoenix last night the pilot announced, "Welcome to Phoenix or as it is better known, the surface of the sun!"  And even though it was mighty hot, like Dorothy we had to exclaim, "There's no place like home."