Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Love is who God is

I've just started reading Tim Tebow's book, "Shaken." It tells the story of how Tebow dealt with the disappointment of failing to make the grade as an NFL quarterback.  He is transparent in sharing his feelings about having been rejected by the NFL.  As I read this morning I appreciated his comments about the love of God:

God's love is nothing like what we see depicted in the movies or even in our lives. Our fallen human nature typically evidences love as something we do in order to get - a "what's in it for me?" attitude. Or something we do in order to experience a particular feeling, a feeling that is fickle and fleeting. Or something that can be easily manipulated, dialed up or dialed down. God's love is nothing like that. His love is pure. It never fails. It is unconditional. It is eternal. It is not motivated by personal gain. He just loves because He is.

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