Friday, August 17, 2018

Top 10 Signs You're At A Bad Church Council Meeting

I've been very blessed at Life in Christ with outstanding lay leadership.  Other pastors haven't been as fortunate.  You know the council meeting isn't going well when:

10) All financial decisions are decided by rock, paper, scissors

9) The council president has a conniption when the secretary tells him she doesn't have the minutes because "her dog ate them"

8) One member makes a motion to punch another member in the mouth. Motion carried.

7) The meeting doesn't begin with prayer but with a loyalty oath to the council president

6) A call comes in from the IRS that your treasurer won't be attending the meeting

5) The member at large responds to every proposal with "we've never done it that way before!"

4) The gavel of leadership is passed down from Homer Johnson to Homer Johnson Jr.

3) The congregational president goes after the pastor on his Twitter account

2) The council votes to move their meetings to Chili's because of their quiet meeting room and Tuesday half-price chicken wings

And the number one sign you're at a bad church council meeting?

1) The "minutes" are called "hours"