Tuesday, October 2, 2018

It's OK to take a break

God values us whether we're busy or not. While He is pleased when we serve Him by sharing His Gospel, or helping people in need, or encouraging or teaching or just being a friend, God doesn't place value on us just by our being busy. He loves us all, no matter how much or little we may do.
But if we are really busy, we need to take time to rest. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Jesus' rest is wonderful. It isn't necessary to be active all the time. We are God's valued and loved people even when we are taking a break. Jesus taught His disciples to take ample rest from their work, especially when busyness becomes a burden. 

What are you busy with these days? Does it accomplish very much? Would you want to show Jesus what you're doing, or would you be embarrassed if He showed up? What kind of burden might you give to Jesus to make your day easier? Do you just need some plain old rest? Then come to Jesus and He'll refresh your soul and body.

Rev. Bob Tasker, taken from an email by Pastor Don Ginkel