Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Loving Your Community

Most churches want to be outward focused and show the love of Jesus in practical ways to their community.  Stephen Viars' new book, "Loving Your Community," is the handbook every pastor should have in his library and every outreach team should read and study.

This is not only a book of theory; Viars has been a pastor for 30 years and has put into practice every thing the book touches on.  

Viars' sets the stage for the book by offering the Biblical foundation for doing community outreach ministry.  It is summed up in three phrases: Loving in the name of Christ; Meeting Your community's pressing needs; Caring for the welfare of your Community.

What are some of the strengths of your church.  Do you have a facility that could serve as a gathering place for the needy? Chapter five - Accessible Facilities - describes how your church can be a blessing to others.  One great idea - create a date-night babysitting service.

Chapter eight - Outreach Events - describes how Passion Plays and Living Nativities are things that can be done, no matter the size of your church.  Such outreach events offer something special for the community to enjoy while witnessing the love of Jesus too.

Let this book help your church identify ways your community can be served and then get to it.  "Loving Your Community" can be your guide.

Book provided for review by Baker Books