Charlie Brown: This is going to be a dumb day. This is going to be one of those dumb days when I say dumb things and do dumb things and everyone tells me I'm dumb.
Linus: Maybe you should go back home and go to bed.
Charlie Brown: I never do anything that smart on a dumb day.
This is a busy day for me. Need to practice the sermon I wrote on Thursday. Our group is playing at the 9:30 am service tomorrow so I need to spend some time with the songs we’ll be playing. Tonight I’ll do the first of four services this weekend. And I’ll be on the phone checking up with some members who are ill or recovering from surgery.
It could also be a dumb day too. I have a tendency to be like Charlie Brown, saying and doing dumb stuff, disappointing myself and others.
Fortunately, we Christians can practice repentance and faith. I can confess my dumb stuff to the Lord and trust His Word that He will not hold my dumb stuff against me but, instead, show me mercy and forgiveness - the very things I need when dumbness strikes.
And I can practice the same with those I offend with my dumb stuff. I can seek out those with whom I said a thoughtless word or did something unkind and say those six words that are hard to speak but can bring healing to relationships - "I was wrong...please forgive me."
That's the way to take some of the dumbness out of a dumb day.
Here goes nothing! Hope you have a blessed day in the Lord!