Saturday, July 4, 2020

Talking With Your Kids About Jesus

This is Natasha Crain companion book to her popular, "Talking With Your Kids About God."  Having a copy of this book is good for two reasons.

First, the questions that Christian kids get from their peers are answered in this book.  In the Confirmation classes I've taught for almost 25 years, I've had kids ask questions like, "Is Jesus really God?  My friend says He's just a man?"  Or, "These stories about Jesus are just stories, right?  He really couldn't have raised a person from the dead.  Those things don't happen?"

Crain's book can help parents teach their kids how to answer these questions and many, many more.  And that's the other reason why this book is so necessary.

As parents talk to their kids about Jesus, their own faith will be strengthened.  Adults are often asked the same questions as their kids.  As parents teach their kids the truths about Jesus, parents will be better equipped to make a strong confession of faith in Jesus to others.

Check this book out.  It will help your kids and it will help you.