Friday, February 10, 2023

The Word for the Day is Obedience

The documents of what Lutherans believe and confess are found in the Book of Concord.  As a good Lutheran should do, I've been doing some reading in the Confessions every week.  On Monday I began reading article three of the Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, regarding the righteousness of faith before God.  In paragraph four I came across this: Therefore, the righteousness of faith is the forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and our adoption as God's children only on account of Christ's obedience.  Christ's obedience alone - out of pure grace - is credited for righteousness through faith alone to all true believers.  They are absolved from all their unrighteousness by this obedience.

This wasn't the last time I came across the word "obedience" in this article.  Again and again, Christ's obedience came up. 

Paragraph nine: His obedience is credited to us for righteousness.

Paragraph 11: We trust that for the sake of His obedience alone we have the forgiveness of sins by grace, are regarded as godly and righteous by God the Father, and are eternally saved.

Paragraph 22: It means that Christ covers all their sins...with His complete obedience.  But despite this they are declared and regarded godly and righteous by faith and for the sake of Christ's obedience...

OK, so why the emphasis on Christ's obedience? It's pretty simple.  The confessors wanted people to be certain that there is nothing that a person can do to make themselves righteous before God.  No amount of good thoughts or works can satisfy a holy God who expects complete perfection.

Does that mean that life is hopeless.  Not at all! What we learn in this article is that what we can't do for ourselves, Christ did for us.  He was obedient.  In his obedience Jesus suffered for and paid for the sins of the world.  He has satisfied God's wrath and has opened heaven to all who would believe.  Through faith, you and I have forgiveness, righteousness and the promise of heaven.  But it's not because of what we've done.  We have all these things because of Christ's obedience.

How many religions have a God who condescends and serves His people? Only one.  Jesus the Christ.  Because of Jesus we need never worry about where we stand before God.  We have every benefit and blessing God has to give.  All because of Christ's obedience!

Now that's good news, isn't it!