Saturday, October 15, 2011

See "Courageous!" Be Courageous!

Last night my dear, sweet wife and I went to the movie theater to see the new film, "Courageous."  It was produced by the same fellows, Stephen and Alex Kendrick, who also wrote, directed and performed in "Fireproof," "Facing the Giants," and "Flywheel."  The two brothers are gifted and talented men who do a splendid job of bringing some of the important issues of our culture to the screen while doing so from a Christian perspective.

"Courageous" is a clarion call to fathers to be real fathers.  The story revolves around five fathers who are compelled to take this important life role seriously.  Some of the situations the fathers face are resolved as you would think they would.  However, there are several twists and turns in the plot that I didn't see coming.  There is also plenty of humor, including one scene involving the real identity of "Javier."  It was really funny and well done.

From my perspective, I wish there were more Gospel, more Jesus in the film.  Lots of talk about God.  But very little about Jesus.  It is through faith in Jesus and the encouragement the Lord gives in His Holy Word that truly motivates us to want to be real fathers to the glory and praise of God.  On the other hand, it is clear in the film that the motivation for these men to be courageous fathers came from study in God's Word.  Maybe it was assumed that the love of Jesus for us motivates us to want to be better fathers, mothers, husband, wives, employers, employees and so forth.  Still, I wish that Jesus would have been more front and center in the film.

In spite of that, the Kendrick brothers have done a real service for followers of Christ.  They have produced an exciting, engaging film with a message we need to hear and they did it without excessive violence, gratuitous sex or foul language.  If you are a father, see "Courageous."  If you are a grandfather, take your son or son in law and see "Courageous."  And then, with the help of Jesus and to the glory of God, be a courageous father.