Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keep praying, "someone!"

When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half-an-hour.  And I saw the seven angels who stand before God and to whom were given seven trumpets.  Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden pan for incense.  He was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all God's holy people.  The angel put this offering on the golden altar before the throne.  The smoke from the incense went up from the angel's hand to God with the prayers of God's holy people.  (Revelation 8:1-4/Contemporary English Version Bible)

This is what author Max Lucado writes regarding the above scene: "Every song ceased.  Every being of the heavenly city hushed.  The noise stopped.  A sudden stillness fell like a curtain.  Why? Why did the Lamb lift His hand for silence? Why did the silver-trumpet voices hush? Because someone was praying! Heaven paused...and Heaven pauses to hear the prayers of...someone.  A mother for her child.  A pastor for a church.  A doctor for the diseased.  A counselor for the confused..."

Think about it - you are...someone! I am someone! When we pray, heaven hears.  When we offer our petitions, God takes note.  Our prayers do not vanish into thin air but are like the sweet smell of incense before the Divine.  When someone prays God gives His undivided attention.  He does not file our requests under "rainy day reading."  He receives our prayer requests and He returns His answers.  Sometimes His answers are "earth shattering."  (See Revelation 8:5).  Sometimes they come and we're not even aware until days, weeks or months later.  But God always listens and answers when "someone" prays.

Keep praying, "someone!"