Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why not pray?

You're on the road when you have a flat tire and when you reach in the trunk for the jack you find that your teenager forgot to put it back?
You're running late for your child's soccer match when you become ensnared in a traffic jam?
You have a misunderstanding with an old friend who rebuffs your efforts to try and make things right?
What do you do in those situations? Get mad? Get even? Laugh? Cry? Give up and throw in the towel?

Why not pray?

When you're tempted to lose your head, why not pray and ask God to help you keep your head and find a solution to your problem.
When the traffic jam is enough to make your blood boil over, use the time to thank Jesus for the forgiveness and salvation that is yours because of His shed blood on the cross.
When you feel powerless to bring reconciliation between yourself and your friend or loved one, ask the Holy Spirit to work through the power of the Gospel so that your friendship might be restored.

The apostle James wrote: The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.  Since this is true, let's ask our Heavenly Father to help us make prayer the first option instead of the last resort as we encounter these and other situations in our lives.

Let us pray!