Friday, August 2, 2019

Use the forks, Luke!

            The continuing popularity of the Star Wars franchise amazes me.  The first film, “A New Hope” was released in 1977.  Since then, seven more movies have hit the big screen.  Billions of dollars have been spent on Star Wars merchandise.  Contributing to that cash haul are my three oldest grand boys.
They love Legos.  And they love Star Wars.  So what gifts do they want at Christmas and birthdays?  Star Wars Legos!  They spend hours putting together starships and storm troopers.  Their allowances are saved until they can go shopping for – you guessed it – the newest Star Wars Legos sets.  But anything that can keep them off a video device of some kind is fine with me.
            This latest wave of Star Wars mania reminds me of a story.  Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kanobi are in a Chinese restaurant having a meal.  Skillfully using his chopsticks, Obi-Wan deftly dishes himself a large portion of noodles into his bowl, then tops it off with some chicken and cashew nuts.  All this is done with the consummate ease you’d expect from a Jedi Master.
            Poor, old Luke, on the other hand, is having a nightmare.  Unable to use his chopsticks properly, Luke is dropping his food all over the table himself.  Obi-Wan looks at Luke disapprovingly and says, “Use the forks, Luke.  Use the forks.”
            Of course, Star Wars buffs know that the phrase, “use the forks,” is a play on words.  In the first Star Wars film, Luke is constantly reminded to “use the force!”
            We are presently in that time of the church year sometimes known as “The Green Season.”  These Sundays after Pentecost focus on spiritual growth.  Every celebration of Pentecost is a timely reminder for the people of God to let the force – the Holy Spirit – be about His construction work in our lives.  The transformation of the apostle Peter from frightened disciple to powerful preacher and witness demonstrates the real force the Holy Spirit is as we live out our life in Christ.
            Think of it:
·         The Spirit calls us by the Gospel to enable us to take hold of all the spiritual blessing which are ours in Christ.
·         The Spirit gives us the saving knowledge and confident faith to believe that Christ is our Savior and to trust in Him alone for forgiveness and salvation.
·         The Spirit transforms our entire lives so that our desire is to put off sin and live lives filled with the fruit of the Spirit.
The Sundays after Pentecost remind us of the tremendous force the Holy Spirit is in our lives.  Jesus promised His followers that we would not be left alone.  In John, chapter 14, Jesus said: “If you love Me, you will obey what I command.  And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.”  (verses15-16)  
            The Father and the Son sent the Spirit to make us holy by bringing us to faith in Jesus and filling us with the desire to show and share the love of Jesus with others.  May the Holy Spirit always be with you!  And if chopsticks give you trouble – use the forks!