Thursday, August 22, 2019

What Jesus does for your reputation and mine

There are some people with which we prefer not to be connected or associated.  It may be because of their worldview or personality or sinful behavior.  We stay away from such folks.  To be connected with such a person might negatively impact our own reputation.

That's why a paragraph from, "Reading Romans with Luther," by R. J. Grunewald caught me eye.

Our Savior doesn't worry whether our reputation might damage His.  He knows exactly what our reputation will do to His reputation.  He justifies us, the ungodly, because its His reputation that changes us - His work that makes us righteous.  (page 19)

These words remind us that Jesus is the actor in our lives.  He does for us what we could not do for ourselves.  He suffered the punishment due us because of our sin.  He rose from the dead and makes it clear that we need not fear death.  He defeated the devil so that the evil foe cannot run roughshod over us.  The perfect God does it all for imperfect people. 

Just as Jesus had no hesitation to have lunch with a tax collector (see Luke 19:1-10), so He does not hesitate coming near to us, having fellowship with us at His Table, being on call at a moments notice as we speak our prayers.  All this He does without thought of His reputation being sullied or called into question. 

His reputation does change us - sins exchanged for righteousness, a selfish way of living replaced with new life in Christ, love for self given up for loving God and loving our neighbor.

Live out your new life in Christ today with joy!