Tuesday, May 17, 2022

No uncertainty in God's promises

I'm reading a book entitled, "Where Nobody Knows Your Name."  It tells about what baseball players go through when they either never get to the major leagues or get called up to the big team only to be sent down.  Some players have had this happen to them multiple times.  One player said that he dreads seeing a particular coach.  This coach is the guy who informs the player that the manager wants to see him.  And that usually means bad news.

Uncertainty is a tough thing to deal with.  When we find ourselves in such situations, it creates anxiety and worry.  The future doesn't seem clear.  And it's not only baseball players who have to deal with uncertainly.

We can face this feeling at work - "with the cutbacks, will I still have my job?" At the doctor's office - "They said the test was no big deal.  If that's the case, why did I have to have the test in the first place?" Family finances - "our son starts college this fall; do we have enough money to pay his way?"

Fortunately, there is no uncertainty with God's promises.  God's Word does what it says.  For example, we never have to wonder if we are forgiven of our sins.  1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God forgives and cleanses us from our unrighteousness.  Is God near to us?  Matthew 28:20 assures us that God is with us to the very end of the age.  John 3:16 reminds us that our salvation is not up for grabs, so to speak.  Whoever believes in Jesus will have everlasting life.

There are plenty of things in this life that cannot be guaranteed.  There are some situations that will leave us hanging, so to speak.  But not with God.  We can be certain of every promise He has made.  We have His Word on it!